What I did for this was select a few esc-capital hotkey combos
and define macros like this in my muttrc:

macro generic \eF ":source ~/.mutt/headers.f...\r"
macro generic \eH ":source ~/.mutt/headers.h...\r"

And so on.  (I replaced the actual filenames with "...")

Each .mutt/headers... file looks somewhat like this:
unmy_hdr *
my_hdr X-URL: ...
my_hdr From: Ofer Inbar <cos@somedomain...>
set status_format="-%r- %f: cos@somedomain ---[Msgs:%?M?%M/?%m%?n?New:%n?%?d? 
Del:%d?%?F? Flag:%F?%?t? Tag:%t?%?p? Post:%p?%?b? 
set signature="..."

So in the index I can hit esc-F, esc-H, etc., and it loads the set of
headers I want, and also sets my status line to show me which header
set I currently have loaded.
  -- Cos

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