On Thu, May 05, 2022 at 11:24:36AM -0500, x...@trimaso.com.mx wrote: > *Beforehand*, if you'll answer just with questions without advise, or > mock, just ban me better.
I do have questions, but these are to help understand what might be going wrong. > printf "%b\n" "$msg" | mutt -s "Test message" -e "set > my_user=u...@domain.tld; set my_url=smtp.domain.tld; set from='User'; > set use_from=yes; set smtp_url=smtp://$my_user@$my_url; set > smtp_pass=p4ss; set ssl_starttls=yes; set ssl_force_tls=yes" > recei...@domain.tld > > Could not find the host "" > Could not send the message. Are you able to send email via that account using other applications? If so, which other applications? For instance, have you succeeded with the `mail` application? If you're not sure whether you have the `mail` application installed, try entering at your terminal: which mail > Have to explicitly specify the port; though it varies from ISP to > ISP!? In some I need, in some other I don't! Yes. Whether or not you have to explicitly specify the port may depend on the mail server's configuration. This configuration can vary from ISP to ISP. Thankfully, this shouldn't be a problem once you have debugged your issue, because you can save the relevant details (ports, URLs) in a configuration file so that Mutt will know which details to use for which ISP. > What's the difference between Mutt and Neomutt? Which one preferable? Neomutt is a fork of Mutt. Neomutt is maintained by a different person to Mutt. Neomutt includes various third-party extensions to Mutt, and some other changes. If you want a smaller TCB and simpler configuration, Mutt is probably the best option. If you want fancier features, Neomutt is probably the best option. Given that you are experiencing configuration difficulties, I would suggest trying to overcome those first, perhaps with the help of people on this mailing list. If no success, then maybe try a newer version of Mutt next. (I know you said you can't do it, but where there's a will there's a way.) If, once you've got Mutt working and you've lived with it for a while, you decide you want some features that are more readily available in Neomutt then you could switch to Neomutt at that point - but many people find they are delighted with pure Mutt. Good luck! Sam -- A: When it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: When is top-posting a bad thing? () ASCII ribbon campaign. Please avoid HTML emails & proprietary /\ file formats. (Why? See e.g. https://v.gd/jrmGbS ). Thank you.