
I am using mutt-2.1.5-1.fc35.x86_64 with the lines below in .muttrc - but after much Googling, I can't get any permuations of these configs to display ANY folders in the sidebar - am I missing something?



# Should the Sidebar be shown?
set sidebar_visible = yes

# How wide should the Sidebar be in screen columns?
# Note: Some characters, e.g. Chinese, take up two columns each.
set sidebar_width = 40

# Should the mailbox paths be abbreviated?
set sidebar_short_path = no

# When abbreviating mailbox path names, use any of these characters as path
# separators.  Only the part after the last separators will be shown.
# For file folders '/' is good.  For IMAP folders, often '.' is useful.
set sidebar_delim_chars = '/.'

# If the mailbox path is abbreviated, should it be indented?
set sidebar_folder_indent = no

# Indent mailbox paths with this string.
set sidebar_indent_string = '  '

# Make the Sidebar only display mailboxes that contain new, or flagged,
# mail.
set sidebar_new_mail_only = no

# Any mailboxes that are whitelisted will always be visible, even if the
# sidebar_new_mail_only option is enabled.
sidebar_whitelist '/home/user/mailbox1'
sidebar_whitelist '/home/user/mailbox2'

# When searching for mailboxes containing new mail, should the search wrap
# around when it reaches the end of the list?
set sidebar_next_new_wrap = no

# The character to use as the divider between the Sidebar and the other Mutt
# panels.
# Note: Only the first character of this string is used.
set sidebar_divider_char = '|'

# Enable extended buffy mode to calculate total, new, and flagged
# message counts for each mailbox.
set mail_check_stats

# Display the Sidebar mailboxes using this format string.
set sidebar_format = '%B%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/?%S'

# Sort the mailboxes in the Sidebar using this method:
#       count    - total number of messages
#       flagged  - number of flagged messages
#       new      - number of new messages
#       path     - mailbox path
#       unsorted - do not sort the mailboxes
set sidebar_sort_method = 'unsorted'

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FUNCTIONS - shown with an example mapping
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Move the highlight to the previous mailbox
bind index,pager \Cp sidebar-prev

# Move the highlight to the next mailbox
bind index,pager \Cn sidebar-next

# Open the highlighted mailbox
bind index,pager \Co sidebar-open

# Move the highlight to the previous page
# This is useful if you have a LOT of mailboxes.
bind index,pager <F3> sidebar-page-up

# Move the highlight to the next page
# This is useful if you have a LOT of mailboxes.
bind index,pager <F4> sidebar-page-down

# Move the highlight to the previous mailbox containing new, or flagged,
# mail.
bind index,pager <F5> sidebar-prev-new

# Move the highlight to the next mailbox containing new, or flagged, mail.
bind index,pager <F6> sidebar-next-new

# Toggle the visibility of the Sidebar.
bind index,pager B sidebar-toggle-visible

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# COLORS - some unpleasant examples are given
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note: All color operations are of the form:

# Color of the current, open, mailbox
# Note: This is a general Mutt option which colors all selected items.
color indicator cyan black

# Color of the highlighted, but not open, mailbox.
color sidebar_highlight black color8

# Color of the divider separating the Sidebar from Mutt panels
color sidebar_divider color8 black

# Color to give mailboxes containing flagged mail
color sidebar_flagged red black

# Color to give mailboxes containing new mail
color sidebar_new green black

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

# vim: syntax=muttrc

Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794

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