On 2022/02/22 18:10, Ranjan Maitra wrote:
As an aside, for others: is there, in .muttrc a way to set things such that hitting "r"
would automatically switch to reply list ("L") for specific folders?
I have seen that for some list mail, "r" responds to list, and for others, to
the sender.
Some mailing lists add a Reply-To: header with the list address; that
would make 'r' send to the list address instead of to the original
sender. Opinions are mixed on whether it's a good idea for lists to do
that. You could check whether that header exists in your list messages
where you see that behavior.
It's possible to change key bindings, so maybe you could do that on the
fly, conditionally, for certain folders...or maybe you could write some
tricky macro...but I think probably those are both bad ideas. I think
you'd do better to just always use 'L' to reply to a list.
This section of the manual describes what Mutt can do with mailing lists: