* Globe Trotter via Mutt-users <mutt-users@mutt.org> [2021-11-22 00:47:10 +0000]:
What is the recommended way to pretty-print mutt emails? I found a sourceforge perl script called muttprint but that was last updated in 2008, and I was wondering what folks here recommended? Thanks!
Hi, I use the following sh(1) script to format the message as troff and convert to pdf: https://adamsgaard.dk/tmp/muttprint-groff.sh It's a bit ugly in places, but it works for me. This is an example: https://adamsgaard.dk/tmp/muttprint-example.pdf I bind it in my muttrc with the following: set print_command="$HOME/.config/mutt/muttprint-groff.sh" best regards, Anders