So, in my opinion, communication is most effective if the recipient easily comprehends what is conveyed to him/her. I suspect most recipients of our e-mails do not know much about mutt except that you likely get it from a place other than a breeder.
So, [ Email Subject] makes a lot of sense if the recipient has a clue what the first part means. Most of my recipients get a forward using mutt likely only from me. So, the original email address' import (which I think is a great idea) is lost. Hence I was suggesting putting in: FW Frm Email Subject Yes, it takes a few more characters but brings the benefit of greater clarity. Another option is to drop the [ ] and instead put in a >> at the very beginning. Might address the concern on adding characters. So, So, [ Email Subject] could become: >> Email Subject In the header, would be clearer? Would this be a better default? Thanks again!