On Sun, Sep 12, 2021 at 03:17:46PM +0000, Globe Trotter via Mutt-users 
<mutt-users@mutt.org> wrote:

> So, I do not know if I can do this, but I can send email by
> specifically including the smtp with port 25. I dont really need it
> for anything else. It is quite likely that I am not understanding the
> import of your question.
> All I do is:
> sudo  ssh -L 25:mailhub:25 username@your_server
> And then, configuring 'localhost' as my smtp server on port 25 gets my
> mail sent directly forward through the SSH link.
> Thanks!

Ah, it's making sense now. But is there a reason you
need the ssh tunnel? Does it work if you set
smtp_url=smtp://mailhub:25 instead? Don't get me wrong,
I think there are never enough ssh tunnels in the
world, but it might not be needed here. If the postfix
server has TLS configured, and will accept the
connection, mutt will take advantage of STARTTLS and
the traffic will be encrypted.


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