On Wed, Sep 08, 2021 at 01:20:27AM -0400, Jon LaBadie wrote:
> I'd like to reduce that to a single macro that toggles between
> the files or one that allows selecting from multiple scheme
> files, perhaps in round robin fashion.

I use this to toggle printer destinations between three settings:

In ~/.mutt/muttrc:
 source ~/.mutt/rc/print-normal.rc

In ~/.mutt/rc/print-normal.rc:
 macro index  ":source ~/.mutt/rc/print-pdf.rc\n"
 set print_command="~/.mutt/bin/muttPrint --highlight=mail"
 set ?print_command

In ~/.mutt/rc/print-pdf.rc:
 macro index  ":source ~/.mutt/rc/print-pdf-onepage.rc\n"
 set print_command="~/.mutt/bin/muttPrint --highlight=mail -P PDF"
 set ?print_command

In ~/.mutt/rc/print-pdf-onepage.rc:
 macro index  ":source ~/.mutt/rc/print-normal.rc\n"
 set print_command="~/.mutt/bin/muttPrint --highlight=mail -P PDF -a 1"
 set ?print_command

So each redefines ^P to source the *next* one in the round-robin.  When 
sourced, it changes, then echos, the print_command, to remind me where I am in 
the rotation.  Probably not needed for something immediately visible like the 
color scheme.

Ed Blackman

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