Hi Jean,

Jean Louis schrieb am 30.06.2021 17:52:55:
> That is good idea. It is nice hack. Intercept the file, change it a
> bit if necessary and delegate to editor.
> I think in this version I will not get the To: field, I will get the
> reply message.

My fault: I was implying that you have edit_headers on:
:set edit_headers="yes"

Now run that “hack” again and your good to go. 🙂

> Maybe first piping, getting email address, recording ID, then reply as
> usual. The ID actually need not be in the text, it can be outside of
> Mutt, important is that I can access the "current ID" from editor. 

True, you could maybe even put it into the postponed location and then try to 
that message. I guess that could work as one nice macro, too.
If the above does not work, let’s elaborate on this idea later.

Anyhow I guess, edit_headers="yes" opens up some new capabilities; maybe
even doing everything inside emacs without the “hack” above.
> This is all good as brainstorming.

Nice, any chance that this system will be talked about in a blog or
something like that? This CRM of yours sounds like an interesting read.

> Also good idea. That is what I have to do.


Best Regards,

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