On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 05:32:04PM -0400, Ofer Inbar wrote:
> I did find DavMail when I was doing some web searches about this last
> week, but got the impression from the summary that it would need our
> IT department to enable IMAP on Office 365.  Is that not true?

No, it is not true.

The whole point of Davmail, last time I checked, was that it acted as a

- Davmail speaks to Exchange server (e.g. Office 365, or an in-house
  server running MS Exchange) via WebDAV or EWS.

- Email client (e.g. Mutt, or Thunderbird, or Fetchmail, or whatever)
  speaks to Davmail via IMAP (and, optionally, via SMTP for sending, if
  SMTP disabled on Exchange server).

There's a diagram here: http://davmail.sourceforge.net

> And do you know if it's supposed to work with Okta?

No idea, sorry.  Why not try it and report back to the list, so that
others may learn?


A: When it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: When is top-posting a bad thing?

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