On Sun, May 16, 2021 at 10:32:33AM +1000, raf wrote:
> When my workplace switched to office365 (all but me anyway),
> their emails started arriving with UTC date headers. So I
> wrote a procmail recipe to filter incoming emails through
> a little perl script to convert the date header to my timezone.
> it's attached. the local timezone is hardcoded (sorry) but
> can be changed as needed.

Something similiar, just with procmail/formail:
You need Gnu date for this, sorry non-Posix features used.

#time in seconds since the epoch (to be rethought before Jan 19 2038 03:14:08)
:0 hi
* ^Date:[       ]*(...?, )?\/[^,]*$
#        ^^^^^^^^ this blank contains a space and a tab, and yes, there are 
strange date: header out there
DATE=| date -d "$MATCH" +%s

# catch unparsable/missing dates
:0 hi
* DATE ?? ^$
DATE=| echo "0"

:0 fwhi
| formail -i "Date: `TZ=America/Los_Angeles date -d @$DATE -R`"

Just leave out TZ= to get your default timezone



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