Hi Kevin,

imap_poll_layout was not set in my murttrc file.

Setting it to 0, which according to manual should disable it, just
made mutt freeze

set imap_poll_timeout = 600 made it freeze too, but eventually
recovered, and had to reopen the inbox

set imap_poll_timeout  = 60 makes no difference wrt the original
problem, I just see the  "Logged out" dovecot messages on the remote
server appear every minute.

Launching mutt with the -d 2 option did not produce anything visible.
Where should debug messages appear, btw? In mutt itself, or in some
log file? What could I try next?


Il giorno lun 12 apr 2021 alle ore 18:32 Kevin J. McCarthy
<ke...@8t8.us> ha scritto:
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 05:13:10PM +0200, Marco Fioretti wrote:
> >after years when everything worked without a hitch, mutt started to
> >say "connection timed out" every ten minutes or so when connected to
> >my remote dovecot imap server. I would need help to figure out where
> >the problem is, on the client or server side, and then how to fix it.
> >Details already are in the dovecot mailing list here
> >https://dovecot.org/pipermail/dovecot/2021-April/121897.html
> The default value of $timeout is 10 minutes.  At that time, Mutt would
> typically sent a STATUS command to check for new mail in your mailboxes.
> Starting with version 1.9, Mutt added polling for IDLE, NOOP, and STATUS
> commands to check for a dead connection.  It sends the command and then
> waits $imap_poll_timeout seconds for a response from the server.
> You might try increasing $imap_poll_timeout and seeing if that helps.
> If not, you could enable debug output, using "-d 2", and see if that
> provides any clues.
> --
> Kevin J. McCarthy
> GPG Fingerprint: 8975 A9B3 3AA3 7910 385C  5308 ADEF 7684 8031 6BDA

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