Dear mutt community, I am trying to use a GnuPG key without a passphrase to send *signed* mails from a cron job for some non-critical, internal reporting. Searching the archives did not give me the answer.
I'd like to use something along the lines of |echo "this is my body text" | mutt -s "MySubject" -a this-is-my-attachment.csv --| For this I used the approach this guy used: with the relevant configuration: |source ~/.config/mutt/gpg.rc set pgp_use_gpg_agent="yes" set pgp_default_key="8624C27DB543F03D" set pgp_sign_as="Marcel" set crypt_autosign="yes"| Sending the mail via the regular mutt user interface works as expected. Using the one-line-approach above does send the mail not signed. Is it possible with mutt (latest Debian, 1.10.1-2.1+deb10u5) to auto-sign mails from a cron job I am trying to achieve? If yes, do you see obvious errors? Thanks a lot, Tom