On Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 08:43:48AM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 07Apr2021 18:34, Kurt Hackenberg <k...@panix.com> wrote:
> >On 2021/04/07 18:16, Kurt Hackenberg wrote:
> >>On 2021/04/07 17:01, Chris Green wrote:
> >>>I'm looking for a tool which will allow me to search through a large
> >>>hierarchy of maildir messages and then provide actions to take on the
> >>>matched messages.
> >>
> >>
> >>fdm?
> >><https://github.com/nicm/fdm/blob/master/MANUAL>
> >>
> >>Or some other filter-and-deliver program -- but not procmail, 
> >>because it's a zombie, abandoned by its last maintainers, last 
> >>release 20 years ago.
> >
> >
> >Maybe Cameron Simpson's filer, if he publishes it.
> It's got some dependencies on some stuff I need to weed out before it is 
> easy for someone-not-me to use. It's also not particularly well suited 
> to Chris' requirement, which includes preserving the source tree shape 
> in the archiving process.
Yes, that was just one typical requirement.  The other major
requirement is rather different.  I have (for example) lots of
messages about orders from Screwfix which are currently spread around
in various sub-directories of 'shopping'.  For suppliers like Screwfix
from whom I buy a lot of rather mixed up sort of items it now makes
sense to me to keep them all in a Screwfix directory.  So the
requirement is to find all messages from Screwfix and put them in one

> I suspect Chris may need to roll his own. I'd imagine something like:
>     find message paths using mairix \
>     | move message files sideways, making sure there's no conflicts
Yes, I think it may have to be a roll my own something like this.
It's just that mairix doesn't provide a very good 'handle' to use.

Chris Green

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