Like several here, I fetch email from my ISP mail spool(s) and file messages locally. If my laptop's been offline overnight there can be hundreds of messages to fetch when I wake it up. On a satellite link (geostationary) with a ping time of over 600ms this can be many minutes of tedium.
The raw bandwidth is fine and my filing process is pretty expeditious; the root cause of that tedium is network latency and the synchronous behaviour of getmail. Its cycle is like this: - RETRieve the message, collect and save - DELEte the message - repeat for all the messages, then QUIT to commit the deletes Each of steps 1 and 2 above incurs over a second just in network latency. That scales up over hundreds of messages. My new tool streams the fetches: it issues RETRs for every message up front at maximum network speed - fully buffered and with no waits. A parallel worker thread collects the messages as they come in at full speed (the upstream server likely also gets to fully buffer); it issues DELEtes as each message is saved, also fully buffered. The code's here: The cs.pop3 modules on PyPI here: and can be installed with: pip install cs.pop3 which also provides a "pop3" command in your Python environment. Typical use is: pop3 dl ~/var/mail/spool specifying my internet mail spool and the local Maildir to receive the messages. Cheers, Cameron Simpson <> If you cannot, in the long run, tell everyone what you have been doing, your doing has been worthless. - Erwin Schrodinger