On Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 03:09:56PM -0600, Akkana Peck wrote:
"~N ~X 1-"
~N ~X 1-
"~N && ~X 1-"
"~N" "~X 1-"

but they all gave syntax errors.

For me,
  color index red white "~N ~X 1-"
works and gives no syntax errors.

"~N ~X 1-
Is this a bug?

It's semi-intentional. Mutt's just automatically terminating the last argument for you at the end of the line.

Even better, is there a way I could have a rule that sets just the
foreground or just the background? E.g. if I could say

color index        brightblue    default  "~N"
color index        default       white    "~X 1-"

and a message that was both new and had attachments would take the
foreground color from the first rule but the background color from
the second rule?

No, Mutt matches a single rule and uses that to color the line.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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