Gmail can be a bit complicated.  There's more than one way to do it...

None of the steps you mention have anything to do with Gmail.  The ones
addressing $MAIL will do nothing useful.  The ones that talk about cache
might, for some people, be helpful but have nothing to do with Gmail

I'm using OAuth for authentication.  It's fiddly to get set up but
operation is simple.  Without OAuth you have to use "less secure" or
"app" passwords, and both have sufficient security concerns that I think
using OAuth is worth the initial hassle.  Also, if you have a free Gmail
account, you probably can't use "less secure" passwords.

This isn't the guide I used but it seems like it'd work:

I have expurgated my main startup script and the two base muttrc file
that I use for Gmail and put them here:

- gmail-generic is the shell script I use to start mutt.
  The script helps me accommodate having around two dozen Gmail
  accounts (one free and the rest Google Workspace accounts).
  Note that the "passwords", the refresh tokens, are stored in and
  supplied by LastPass.

- muttrc-generic contains all the Gmail-specific mutt config options.
  Because of the script some of the muttrc variables are set from shell

- muttrc-included-base contains mutt config stuff for all my accounts,
  not just the Gmail ones.

On Mon, Mar 08, 2021 at 02:14:48PM -0800, M.R.P. zensky wrote:
> Hello running mutt on ubuntu I am wanting to set up mutt to work with gmail. 
> I have two instructional for doing this butt their instructions differ. 
> One  says to enter           sudo touch $MAIL
>                                         sudo chmod 660 $MAIL
>                                          sudo chown ???whom???:mail $MAIL
> The other says to do the following - mkdir -p~/mutt/cache/headers
>                                                          Mkdir 
> ~/.mutt/cache/bodies
>                                                          Touch 
> ~/.mutt/certificates.
> Which config should I use  or if anyone has an alternate cleaner way to 
> configure mutt with gmail let me know.


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