While researching my response in another topic I came
across the "subscribe" list that I don't recall seeing
previously.  I've been using the "lists" list for the
same purpose.

As I read it, "lists" items are known mailing lists
and possibly subscribed to while "subscribe" items
mailing lists to which I am subscribed and thus by
default are known.

When is it useful to have a mailing list to which
you are not subscribed "known"?

My mutt index typically shows the poster's name.
But my own posts do not show my name.  This is the
situation for other mailing list also, not just mutt-user
so I must be composing my header's incorrectly.

How should the From:/To:/??? headers be composed so that
mutt picks up my name for display in the index?

Jon H. LaBadie                 mut...@jgcomp.com
 11226 South Shore Rd.          (703) 787-0688 (H)
 Reston, VA  20190              (703) 935-6720 (C)

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