12021/01/15 04:66.00 ನಲ್ಲಿ, Alexander Huemer <alexander.hue...@xx.vu> ಬರೆದರು:
> Hi
> I am subscribed to several mailinglists and use different email
> addresses for them, for various reasons.
> Is there a configuration option to choose which 'From:' email address
> shall be used if a mail to a certain 'To:' address is composed? If a
> 'To:' address isn't in the mapping, then the 'set from' configuration
> setting should be the fallback.
> I somehow remember to have read years ago, that somebody has built a
> workaround for this issue by hacking something into VIM with some code
> completion feature that gives at least a way to choose an address from a
> list, but I cannot find the reference to that anymore.
> Any thoughts on this would be highly appreciated.
> -Alex

set reverse_name=yes might do the trick (I had asked a similar question earlier 
and some kind soul pointed me to the right option!).


- Chiraag
ಚಿರಾಗ್ ನಟರಾಜ್
Pronouns: he/him/his

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