Hello, I said in a previous email I was wondering what other great things might be "out there" waiting for me to be discovered. Well, while looking at the manual to understand the leading greater than sign mystery, I found out about background editing, and I think that'd be great for me to be able to do.
If I understand correctly, I allows you to compose email in an editor on another tmux window (or screen or graphical editor, but I don't use those), forking it out of Mutt. I guess that Mutt would then be free to use to, for example, check another email, while still composing in the forked window, or maybe even start composing a new email on a third window? That'd be very convenient. At the moment, when I need to check another email while composing one, I open a new tmux window and run a new instance of Mutt, which is OK, but the background editing would be a marvelous improvement. I've tried it out with the bgedit-screen-tmux.sh script, but it fails. I think the problem is that the Mutt version I'm running is a bit old (1.10.1). Also, in my .muttrc file I have a comment saying that in order for folder-hook to work, I needed to upgrade to, at least, version 1.8.0 or later. By the time I wanted to use folder-hook I tried to compile Mutt myself, since I couldn't find neither a Devuan/Debian package nor a pre-compiled generic binary I could use, but I failed. I settled to wait for a new version of Devuan which would packaged a newer version of Mutt, and just added the comment as a reminder to myself for the future. But, if background editing works as I think I've understood (as I said before), I think it's really time for me to try (and succeed this time) to upgrade to a more recent version, because background editing would really make a big difference for me. So, my question is: have I understood background editing properly and will it work as I tried to describe above? If so, is there any pre-compiled binary I could use before trying to compile it myself? Thank you in advance! Cheer, Ángel