I've winnowed my failing pattern down to ~( !~>(~P) )
which is not accepted. A bare: !~>(~P) is accepted. What I'm trying to do is colour yellow messages in threads which are either: - flagged or: - personal, and not replied, and not from %info, and without an immediate child from me This is part of a larger pattern which tries to colour "bare" messages like the above and also collapsed threads which contain a message matching the above. As an aside, in the patterns section of the manual ~Q is described as "replied", but seems to mean "has the replied flag". Conversely, ~>(~P) means replied-to-by-me, which is a topological test based on parent-child relationships and ignored the "r" flag. I'm just modifying my reply macros to preemptively set the "r" flag on the source message, which feels a little like a hack. (My replies spin off an editor in tmux so that they can be detached, and the spawned mutt doesn't know about the source message directly, so it cannot tie setting the flag to actually dispatching the message later.) Cheers, Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>