On 2021-02-01, José María Mateos <ch...@rinzewind.org> wrote:

> I was thinking about this. I have offlineimap running, so I have a
> local copy of all my mail, but the SMTP connection still goes
> through my mail provider, not locally. While I can appreciate the
> increase in speed that a local rely can offer, I wonder if it
> doesn't add another layer of complexity

It definitely does.

> as I would have to be monitoring the logs to make sure the e-mail
> was actually sent.

You do (or you need to make sure that you receive bounce/retry/failure
notices properly).

> How does it work when the remote e-mail server is not available or
> it returns some kind of error. Can one receive local messages that
> notify of a problem?

If you set up your local MTA properly, yes. However, that's not
trivial. I maintained a local queueing MTA for many years, but after
multiple screwups where mail wasn't getting sent (and I didn't find
out in a timely manner) I switched to a non-queueing MTA (e.g. ssmtp)
and later to mutt's SMTP support.

My internet connection is reliable enough that the benefits of knowing
that each email has actually been sent _far_ outweigh the
inconvienience of having to manually resend something once every 5-6

> So far I like my current solution because it avoid this: sending an 
> e-mail takes a few seconds (very few, 2 - 3 tops) but when the process 
> is done on mutt I know the remote server has the e-mail.



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