On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 11:46 PM ಚಿರಾಗ್ ನಟರಾಜ್ <mailingl...@chiraag.me> wrote:

> I wrote up a blog post a while back on dealing with multiple inboxes in Mutt 
> (in fact, I'm writing this from Mutt and sending it through ProtonMail, so it 
> *is* possible!): 
> https://chiraag.me/blog/2019/08/21/managing-multiple-email-accounts-with-mutt-and-fetchmail/
> My setup involves two moving parts (mutt and fetchmail+getmail_maildir), but 
> I have never run into this issue. However, because fetchmail uses the unread 
> status as a flag of which emails to fetch, all downloaded emails are marked 
> as 'read' on the server, which can make things a bit annoying. Possibly 
> another mail retrieval agent (like getmail, for example) would solve that 
> issue.

This will be helpful once I attempt to transition to ProtonMail.  Thanks!

boB Stepp

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