On 2020-12-30, Michael Klemm <mich...@dontknow.de> wrote:

> after a short hiatus from mutt of about 15 years, I have started to use
> it again.  I have tried to find an answer to the following question
> through Google, but I failed to find the right search terms.
> When saving an email to an IMAP folder, I would like to retain the last
> folder used as the default that mutt uses?  For instance, if the last
> email was filed to "Foo/Bar", then pressing s should look like this:
>     Save to mailbox ('?' for list): +Foo/Bar
> (Or something similar with the appropriate IMAP folder syntax.)
> Any chance to get this?

Many, many years ago, I submitted a patch that added support for a
special symbol (like !,=,+) that was a shortcut for last folder to
which a save was done. It could be used for things like default save
path, default fcc path, etc.

That feature was rejected back then, but maybe you'll have better luck


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