D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote: 
> For several months now, I haven't been able to receive mail with mutt.

General, currently useless suggestion: don't let this sort of
thing go past a day or two. If you haven't solved it then, ask.

> When regrettably, I go into X Windows (MATE), I use webmail and see
> that google has blocked an attempt to log in and proudly says that the
> user (me) had my password.  I'm guessing since it always happens when
> I make little changes in .muttrc to see if I can get mail with mutt,
> that it's because of mutt.

I'm guessing that you are trying to use mutt to access GMail via

Is that correct?

Did you ask Google to set up an application-specific password
for mutt? It's in your Google security settings.



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