D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote: > For several months now, I haven't been able to receive mail with mutt.
General, currently useless suggestion: don't let this sort of thing go past a day or two. If you haven't solved it then, ask. > When regrettably, I go into X Windows (MATE), I use webmail and see > that google has blocked an attempt to log in and proudly says that the > user (me) had my password. I'm guessing since it always happens when > I make little changes in .muttrc to see if I can get mail with mutt, > that it's because of mutt. I'm guessing that you are trying to use mutt to access GMail via IMAP. Is that correct? Did you ask Google to set up an application-specific password for mutt? It's in your Google security settings. https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en -dsr-