On 20201218, Josef Wolf wrote:
On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 11:56:47PM +1100, raf wrote:
On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 11:16:23AM +0100, Josef Wolf <j...@raven.inka.de> wrote:
> Mutt starts up as always and works as expected. But after some time, it stops
> to show mail contents. It still shows the sidebar with all existing folders
> and the list of messages in the current folder. But no message bodies or
> attachments are shown at all.
You might want to check /var/log/kern.log for I/O errors.
Thanks for the hint, raf.
I can't find any I/O errors in /var/log/*. Only some informational entries
from smartd to be found there.
Couple of dubious ideas.
* Isn't smartd some kind of error reporting? I vaguely remember my having some
smartd problems years ago, but no details come to mind. Maybe the
informational messages might say something useful.
* Maybe mutt has filled its memory with enough messages to run into memory
limits, although I'd expect a different kind of failure mode. What does ps or
/proc say about mutt's memory usage once it stops showing content?
* On my mutt, ^o (re-)opens the mail folder in the sidebar. If you use that,
does the problem go away, same as quitting and restarting?
* I generally do the saem as you, but with tmux instead of screen, and mutt
stays up for weeks at a time, although I change sidebar folders many times. I
have two mutt instances running under tnux, one with local maildirs, one with
... _._. ._ ._. . _._. ._. ___ .__ ._. . .__. ._ .. ._.
Felix Finch: scarecrow repairman & wood chipper / fe...@crowfix.com
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