Francesco Ariis wrote (Thu 2020-Nov-26 22:27:20 +0100):
> > > ... Or is there a key to "skip to the body of the email" quickly, in the > > > pager? .. > macro pager Q <search>Sub<enter><next-line><next-line><next-line> Interesting, thanks! So if I use that approach for searching for an empty line, I should be able to first skip the email's header and then continue jumping down paragraph by paragraph using the same key? I could probably use some key located next to the Enter key on my keyboard for jumping down to the next empty line. And I might use the same key with Shift for jumping (up or down) to the beginning of the body, by prepending "<top>" to the macro... A possible drawback for me is that using "<search>" changes the youngest entry in the list of search terms that have been used; but I'd probably get used to it. But how do I search (in the pager) for an empty line? I can search for characters at the beginning of a line (using ^foo when entered at the search prompt and \^foo when interactively defining the macro after pressing ":") or at the end of a line ($) -- but a search for ^$ appears to match on every line, whether the line is empty or not. I'm using Mutt from current Debian stable, 1.10.1. Cheers, Marcus -- Marcus C. Gottwald · <> ·