For a more generic solution that I just setup in my config file:

1. Use the following send-hook: send-hook ~l "set from='Name 
2. Declare all of the mailing lists to be caught by the ~l parameter using 
lists: lists

Now, whenever I reply to a mailing list, my From address is set using the 
send-hook. Of course, this is only desirable if, in fact, you want the same 
hook run for all mailing lists (my case). Otherwise, you can use my previous 
solution, which uses the ~t<pattern> limiter to specify the pattern of To 
addresses that the send-hook should be run on.

Also, running this based on the To header (rather than the From header) is 
better because if you use the list-reply function (bound to L in the index by 
default), then you _know_ what the To address will be (the mailing address of 
the list) (remember, this is the To address of the email you're _sending_). The 
slight downside is that you might need a from-address-based pattern if you 
regularly reply to individuals who sent the email (rather than sending the 
email to the mailing list), since this type of pattern won't catch that. In 
that case, simply change it to ~f<pattern>, but keep in mind that it's the From 
address _of the email you're sending_, *not* of the received email (the one 
you're replying to).


- Chiraag
ಚಿರಾಗ್ ನಟರಾಜ್
Pronouns: he/him/his

25/11/20 13:46 ನಲ್ಲಿ, ಚಿರಾಗ್ ನಟರಾಜ್ <> ಬರೆದರು:
> The way I did it for this list is:
> send-hook "set from='ಚಿರಾಗ್ ನಟರಾಜ್ 
> <>'"
> You should be able to edit the to be * or 
> something (you may have to escape the asterisk?) and then use set from='Name 
> <>' as the command to run.
> HTH!
> - Chiraag
> -- 
> ಚಿರಾಗ್ ನಟರಾಜ್
> Pronouns: he/him/his
> 25/11/20 09:26 ನಲ್ಲಿ, Chris Green <> ಬರೆದರು:
> > 
> > Is there some sort of action/command I can run from send-hook that
> > would allow 'editing' of a header?
> > 
> > E.g. for the case I was recently enquiring about where munge
> > certain senders' addresses the requirement would be to have a
> > send-hook match on "via" in the From:  header and would then
> > change <> to <>.
> > 
> > It's a fairly easy sort of search/replace but I can't see any obvious
> > way to implement it in mutt.
> > 
> > It can be done for specific From: addresses by matching the address
> > with a send-hook and using my_hdr to write a new From: (will that
> > remove the orginal From: ?).  However this would require a send-hook
> > for every individual address.
> > 
> > --
> > Chris Green

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