
I sent this to Greg instead of sending it to the list!

no, sorry this


 doesn't make any difference.

Here is my muttrc:

set folder = "pops://"
set smtp_url = "smtp://"
set smtp_pass = "secretPasswd"
set pop_pass = "secretPasswd"
set from = ""
set realname = "Roland He&#223"
set spoolfile = "+INBOX"
set record = "+Sent"
set trash = "+Trash"
set postponed = "+Entwürfe"

Meanwhile I tried more:

Sending doesn't stop at all. I have to close the window to finish mutt (q does 
not work)

If I just enter sendmail on a command line it says:"command not found"
Though I "did apt-get install sendmail" successfully

I can still recieve mail, but I can not delete any of them. If I give the "d" 
command i am asked to say yes or no but the question comes up again and again 
and I can't leave mutt any more.
If I say no for deletion, I can leave mutt by "q"

neomuttdbug says (last lines):
"2020-11-10 19:25:05]<M> mutt_index_menu() Neue Nachrichten in dieser 
Mailbox.(new messages in mailbox)
[2020-11-10 19:25:05]<2> mutt_window_reflow() entering
[2020-11-10 19:25:09]<M> sync_mailbox() Schreibe 
[2020-11-10 19:25:09]<M> mutt_progress_update() Markiere Nachrichten zum 
Löschen... 0 (select news to delete)
[2020-11-10 19:25:09]<2> mutt_socket_write_d() 4> QUIT
[2020-11-10 19:25:09]<2> mutt_socket_readln_d() 4< +OK POP server signing off
[2020-11-10 19:25:09]<1> pop_clear_cache() delete cached messages
[2020-11-10 19:25:09]<M> mx_mbox_close() 12 behalten, 0 gelöscht.(12 kept, 0 
[2020-11-10 19:25:09]<1> pop_clear_cache() delete cached messages
[2020-11-10 19:25:09] Closing log."

> Gesendet: Montag, 09. November 2020 um 23:48 Uhr
> Von: "Greg Marks" <>

> Betreff: Re: sending does not work

> Perhaps changing the .muttrc line to:
>    set smtp_url="smtp://"

> Greg Marks

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