On Wed, Nov 04, 2020 at 01:17:44PM +0100, Matthias Apitz wrote:
We use mutt in batch mode to assemble mails with all attachments etc.
and pipe the assembled mail to /usr/lib/sendmail -t which works also
fine. But is complaining on STDERR that the mail could not be sent with

Could not send the message.

I looked into the source send.c and the error message is triggered by
some internal FCC error, perhaps just due to the missing ~/Mail dir or
something the like. The mail is sent fine.

You didn't mention what version of Mutt you are using on the server. There has been a fair amount of refactoring in this part of the code the past few releases, but looking at 1.8.0 (corresponding to your header) the check is:

  if (fcc_error || (i = send_message (msg)) < 0)

If there were an fcc_error, the conditional would short-circuit and send_message() wouldn't be invoked.

I would double check the problem is with Fcc, if the emails are in fact sent out. If you're sure that's the problem, perhaps try invoking mutt with something like:

  mutt -e 'unset record' ...

Kevin J. McCarthy
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