On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 04:45:52PM +0000, Globe wrote in <mailman.16118.1603557957.40933.mutt-us...@mutt.org>:

An irritating thing right now is that if I hit q in error after
composing a message, I get: Postpone message (yes/no) and if I say
no, then the message appears lost. Is is possible to have an an
option on this which should be to cancel the postpone question: 
perhaps a prompt that is [yes/no/cancel]

I don't see what the difference would be between answering "yes" and
"cancel" to that question.

The whole point of you being asked is that you can decide whether you
want to save the message (for later editing and sending) or discard it

Luckily, you can change if and how this question is asked. The default
is "ask-yes", meaning mutt will ask you and default to "yes" if you
just hit enter. You can also set it to "ask-no" (defaulting to no),
"yes" (postpone (save) the message without asking), and "no" (discard
message without asking). You set this in your .muttrc, see

I think for your case it sounds like you want to set this to "yes".

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