
I'm trying to create some bindings in my .muttrc file for mutt's sidebar
(this is while running mutt in an xterm window on OpenBSD):

bind index <S-Up> sidebar-prev
bind index <S-Down> sidebar-next

and this works fine.  Then I tried this one:

bind index <S-Return> sidebar-open

and it does not work at all: mutt seems to consider pressing the
Shift-Enter combination on the keyboard to be the same as just pressing
Enter.  Indeed executing the what-key function shows that the Shift-Enter
key combination is just recognized as Return by mutt.

I also tried emacs's view-lossage function in the same xterm and emacs
recognizes the Shift-Enter key combination as: ESC [ 2 7 ; 2 ; 1 3 ~
So out of desperation I tried this in my .muttrc:

bind index "\e[27;2;13~" sidebar-open

and then this:

bind index \e[27\;2\;13~ sidebar-open

Neither gives me any error message from mutt but then neither works either.

So... is there a way to make Shift-Enter work?



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