On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 08:30:49AM +0200, Francesco Ariis wrote:
Hello mutters,
   I have just finished reading this article on The Register: «Relying
on plain-text email is a 'barrier to entry' for kernel development, says
Linux Foundation board member». [1]

Of course this opinion is not shocking, given that the «Linux Foundation
board member» in question is a Microsoft attaché.
The comment section was definitely not supportive of the idea.

I post it here as we had our fair share of discussion on plain text vs. rich
text too and I consider the debate not tangential to what mutt is; so it
is interesting to see opinions of the broader open-source community

[1] https://www.theregister.com/2020/08/25/linux_kernel_email/

I remember that article. The idea I got in the end is that the person who was complaining didn't understand how to use one of the tools for the job, which in this case was his e-mail client. For what I remember, he was sending HTML e-mail but wasn't aware of it, or the Gmail interface (I think it was Gmail, but I could be mistaken) was mangling the input.


José María (Chema) Mateos || https://rinzewind.org

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