On Tue, Aug 25, 2020 at 01:46:52PM +0100, Chris Green wrote:

>Here's the headers, rather verbose I'm afraid:-
>From: NWY6 <nowayhos...@gmail.com>
>To: "'David Eyre'" <mrl...@gmail.com>,
>       "'ixion'" <ix...@ixion.org.uk>
>List-Post: <mailto:ix...@ixiemaster.ixion.org.uk>

Two different addresses for the list.  Which one is correct?

Do all messages from the list have this mismatch, or only messages
from this sender?  If all of them, I suspect misconfiguration of the
mailing list software.  If only those from this sender, I suspect that
he has an incorrect list address stored locally.

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