Thanks for replies from Kevin and Felix,

I could eliminate my problems related to imap connection. I have made mistake 
inserting “$my_user” in the “set folder” statement. Now, I can receive all the 
mail messages contained in my mail server. I deeply acknowledge your advices. 
From now on, I will optimize to shorten the fetching time at the launch of mutt 
by further setting several variables, because it takes currently long time to 
complete even in the case of a few numbers of new messages. I hope that mutt 
can be easily introduced even in my Win10 (32bit) environment, say using 

Best regards,


差出人: Kevin J. McCarthy<>
送信日時: 2020年7月10日 23:32
件名: Re: how to limit fetching number of mails?

On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 03:21:42AM +0000, Ishihama Yutaro wrote:
>I would like to know how to limit fetching number of mails because it
>is impossible to complete fetching within the set period of time (imap
>keep alive 300 seconds).

The server timeout should generally be 30 minutes.

However, if you have a **very** large number of mails, the server can
time out while fulfilling a single FETCH request.  To fix this, you can
fetch them in groups.  Do this by putting:

   set imap_fetch_chunk_size = 10000

in your .muttrc.  This will perform a FETCH per 10000 messages, which
should avoid server timeouts.  You can try reducing the number if that
is still too big.

>What does this MUA copy to the local environment in the IMAP mode? Is
>this only subject? It would be of great help if someone could advice

The headers Mutt requests by default are listed at

By the way, if you have a large number of messages, you will want to use
header caching.  See <>.

   % mkdir ~/.mutt/hcache
   set header_cache = ~/.mutt/hcache

You may also want to try out $imap_qresync or $imap_deflate.

Kevin J. McCarthy
GPG Fingerprint: 8975 A9B3 3AA3 7910 385C  5308 ADEF 7684 8031 6BDA

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