On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 10:00:52 -0700, Kevin J. McCarthy wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 12:20:22PM +0100, isdtor wrote:
> >Two questions remain now. The first, when using mutt with gpgme, are 
> >any of the gpg/gpg/certificate/smime related configuration variables 
> >still relevant? And if so, which? The question arises from this 
> >comment,
> I don't use S/MIME myself, although I've made some fixes and 
> improvements to the code.  So I'll leave it to others discuss practical 
> usage.
> When using GPGME, most of the $smime_* config variables are not used.  I 
> believe the only relevant ones are:
> * $smime_default_key is used for self encryption and signing
> * $smime_sign_as overrides $smime_default_key for signing
> * $smime_is_default
> * $smime_self_encrypt
> Note the GPGME backend stores certs differently, and does not use the 
> same IDs as the traditional backend. The gppsm command is used to manage 
> and list those certs.
> The various $crypt_* config variables still apply and can be changed to 
> your tastes.
> For OpenPGP, the relevant config variables for GPGME are:
> Key/Sign/Self-encrypt settings
> * $pgp_default_key
> * $pgp_sign_as

I few months ago, I ran into a pgp_sign_as + GPGME related issue:  Setting
it to a subkey doesn't work.  Not using GPGME (and using gpg.rc instead)
works.  IIRC, that was a GPGME API limitation.

Did anything change about that?


> * $pgp_self_encrypt
> User interface settings
> * $pgp_entry_format
> * $pgp_show_unusable
> * $pgp_long_ids
> * $pgp_sort_keys
> Signing/Encoding settings:
> * $pgp_retainable_sigs
> * $pgp_strict_enc
> Inline settings. GPGME doesn't support inline, so these should be 
> left at the defaults:
> * $pgp_mime_auto
> * $pgp_auto_inline
> * $pgp_reply_inline
> -- 
> Kevin J. McCarthy
> GPG Fingerprint: 8975 A9B3 3AA3 7910 385C  5308 ADEF 7684 8031 6BDA

Hegh QaQ law'
quvHa'ghach QaQ puS

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