On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 11:53:24AM +0100, Chris Green wrote:
> I have a small script to handle PDF (among other) attachments which is
> called via mailcap.
> The mailcap entry is simply:-
>     application/pdf;  /home/chris/bin/muttfox %s
> The muttfox script gives the PDF file to firefox to be viewed. 
> This works fine *except* when there are spaces in the filename,
> something is changing the spaces in the filename to underscores before
> the name is handed to muttfox in the %s parameter.
> I have checked by simply putting "echo $1 >/tmp/mffn" as the first
> line of the script. 
> When I hit 'v' in mutt I see (for example) :-
>     -- Mutt: Attachments
>     ->   I     1 <no description>           [text/html, quoted, utf-8, 15K]
>          A     2 Your policy documents.pdf      [applica/pdf, base64, 772K]
> But in /tmp/mffn there is:-
>     chris$ more /tmp/mffn
>     /tmp/Your_policy_documents.pdf
> So what is changing the spaces to underscores?  Does mutt do it and,
> if so, is there a parameter setting to change what it does?
> If I simply s[ave] the PDF file from mutt I get the filename with
> spaces in it, the change is something to do with how mutt and mailcap
> interact (I guess).
Forgot to say, I'm running Mutt 1.10.1 on xubuntu.  

It isn't $mailcap_sanitize doing this is it?

Chris Green

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