> > Homebrew. And isync provides a daemon by the same name. I just had to
> > 
> > brew services start isync
> That service is not part of isync but of the packaging [1].
> Personally, I'm using the systemd service + timer from [2] on Linux. If
> you read [1], it shows that they do exactly the same thing, creating a
> service that runs in specific intervals, on macOS.
> ---
> [1] https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/master/Formula/isync.rb
> [2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Isync#Automatic_synchronization

Yes. It is the hombrew team that has done it. Thanks for sharing these

Planet Earth. 

Laugh, and the world ignores you.  Crying doesn't help either.

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