On Mon, Jun 03, 2019 at 12:24:33PM +1200, Frank Watt wrote:
> I had to leave out gpgme, but I had a problem with
> configure: error: no curses library found
Hi Frank,

 I assume you probably won't get this mail (gmail dislikes my mails
from this address), but just in case ...

> There are many packages available with 'curses' in the name, some of them
> are installed, but I don't know if any of them would be the issue. It's a
> bit long to experiment with.
> (The list doesn't display well in Thunderbird, but with any luck, someone
> will be able to spot which I'm missing)
> p   lib32ncurses5                                 - shared libraries for
> terminal handling (32-bit)
> p   lib32ncurses5-dev                             - developer's libraries
> for ncurses (32-bit)
> p   lib32ncursesw5                                - shared libraries for
> terminal handling (wide character
> p   lib32ncursesw5-dev                            - developer's libraries
> for ncursesw (32-bit)
> p   lib64ncurses5:i386                            - shared libraries for

You seem to be on x86_64 (or amd64 as debian calls it), so unless
you are building as 32-bit you don't need any of these.

The -dev versions include headers, so you need those to compile, the
more-basic versions are only the libraries (for packages provided by
debian). And 'ncurses5' is the old version for ASCII or ISO-8859-N
versions - these days, 'ncurses5w' is probably what you need
(it supports unicode).  So:

> terminal handling (64-bit)
> p   lib64ncurses5-dev:i386                        - developer's libraries
> for ncurses (64-bit)

?i386?  Maybe some weird naming convention in debian.  That is
probably the right *old* (non-wide) 64-bit version.

But I don't see any lib64ncursesw5 (wide 64-bit) version in what you
listed, and I imagine that is what you need for 64-bit builds with

And at the risk of trying to teach my granny to such eggs, the
following glyphs (variants of 'a' with diacritical) should be in
unicode, so if you can read these then you _do_ need wide ncurses:

BTW - the x32 versions are an uncommon requirement (64-bit, but with
small but with only 32-bit pointers for smaller builds, not commonly
used on desktop builds).

> Thanks for any suggestions.
> Frank

Before the universe began, there was a sound. It went: "One, two, ONE,
two, three, four" [...] The cataclysmic power chord that followed was
the creation of time and space and matter and it does Not Fade Away.
 - wiki.lspace.org/mediawiki/Music_With_Rocks_In

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