Hello Mutters, For kicks, I thought I'd try making the X-Face header work and followed the instructions here: https://gitlab.com/muttmua/mutt/wikis/MuttGuide/XFace
I installed the needed programs from the FreeBSD Ports system. I was able to create a header, but not view the image it contained. I got this message from icontopbm: "invalid sun icon file header: only 2 out of required 5 fields present". Looking at the code for icontopbm it appears that we need more header fields than is provided by the view-x-face script referred to by the Wiki page. So I replaced this line in the script: | { echo '/* Width=48, Height=48 */'; $UNCOMPFACE; } \ with this: | { echo '/* Width=48, Height=48, Depth=1, Format_version=1, Valid_bits_per_item=16 */'; $UNCOMPFACE; } \ and all worked. Should I submit a bug report to suggest that the Mutt Wiki page be updated to suggest this modification to the script? -- Hokan Bicyclist Sysadmin
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