On 12May2019 20:18, benfi...@gmail.com <benfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
[... leave message alone support ...]
PyPI's been updated with the new release.

thanks, I really don't mean for you to go to any effort on my part, though I suspect you also have this as a hobby project and like developing it!

Well, it files all of my email, so I have an investment. I wrote it because I finally got sufficiently pissed off with procmail and also with my "simple rules compiled to procmailrc" script.

I think for my work this project simply has too many dependencies,

PyPI _should_ resolve all of those for you. This:

  python3 -m pip install cs.app.mailfiler

should install everything; if it doesn't I need to fix that also.

and I'll
probably end up rolling something of my own using this?


Please, use Python 3.

It's interesting stuff, and I've enjoyed the chat, and learned a fair bit also!

No worries. I would still like to know how painful or otherwise this is to use for someone who isn't me.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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