I'm returning to mutt after a long absence.   My muttrc still works for me
– I can retrieve and send my IMAP-Gmail.

However I'm not seeing new messages.  Even when I re-sync using "$", mutt
just returns "mailbox unchanged" even though I do have new messages (as I
can see if I open Gmail on my web browser).

If I quit and restart mutt, the new messages show up – but just cannot get
them to appear without restarting the program.

I googled this, but couldn't find a good answer – lots of discussion of
automatic retrieval, or "read/unread" flags not being set correctly, but I
couldn't find anyone who isn't getting mail even when manually ($)

Any help appreciated.

I have the following in my muttrc, which may or may not have anything to do
with this:

set check_new = yes

set mail_check = 120

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