On Mon, Apr 08, 2019 at 08:40:09PM -0700, Ian Zimmerman wrote: > On 2019-04-07 23:13, felixs wrote: > > > > From: "Foo Bariì" <foo-ba...@gmail.com> > > > > > > where the entity refers to the character U0107 in Unicode code point > > > space. I would like to automatically see the correct glyph at least > > > when it is in one of the visible headers. Is there a display filtering > > > feature in mutt that would allow me to do that (I don't mind if it > > > requires a bit of configuration)? > > > > And if you add > > > > set charset="utf-8" > > > > to your muttrc conf file? > > That doesn't look at all plausible to me. For one thing, UTF-8 is the > systemwide default, meaning it ends up in my LANG and LC_ variables. I > am as sure as I can be about anything that mutt picks up those if the > "charset" mutt variable is not set.
Yes, you are right, mutt reads the LC_* variables and is usually able to represent characters in utf-8 if that is set by them. But in case of problems, as I thought you might have, it may be a help to explicitly set it. > For another thing, why should it help? Those ASCII characters are > perfectly valid in the name part of a From header, and normally I expect > mutt to show them to me as they are. It is only in this case where some > HTML-addled MUA decided to use them together to encode a ISO 8859-2 > character (_not_ UTF-8 or anything related) that I want a way to see the > character really intended by the sender. You have asked for a "display filter" setting in mutt to be able to see the "real" character, which is a character that is part of the Unicode Database. Even if the message you supposedly received was encoded in ISO-8859-2, mutt, when opening the message, would convert it into Unicode (usually, utf-8) if your LC_variables are correctly set to use it. Or, see above, set them explicitly to be sure. Please take note that I did not reproduce your issue. So I actually do not know why this happens in your case. Do you have some more information? To know, by other means, what the intended character was, in *Python* you might use the chr() function. Given the fact that chr() works with integers, you first have to convert the hexadecimal into an integer. chr(int('0x0107', base=16)) Maybe I can find some other way using just mutt's conf options. Patience, please. :-) > Nevertheless, your suggestion should do no harm, so I'll try it and > report back. Ok. Cheers, felixs