
has anyone ever written something for mutt that allows for "smart saving"?

I'm thinking, if you use gmail then everything gets dumped into your inbox,
and therefore you typically need to save stuff in a folder. This at least
is my usage pattern for non-mailing lists (mailing lists go straight to
their folder).

When I hit "s" it would be lovely to have the last folder I saved a message
with the same "meta" (simple case - same "from:").

Thinking about how to implement this, I'd basically need to:

* pipe the msg to a script in a subshell
* script reads in some saved state of "last save folder + meta pattern"
* get the "from:"
* map over the metas for a match
* spit out the folder
* leave mutt with =my/correct/folder waiting for me to hit return

Anyone aware of such a thing?

Anyone got any comments on improvements/suggestions why it's a bad idea?

I can imagine people will not like saving state, however you could
just dump it into the mutt header cache directory.


Ben Fitzgerald

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