On 07Feb2018 22:37, kalle <ka...@projektwerkstatt.de> wrote:
In the manual v.1.9.2, chapter "2.1 Index" it says

"The index is the screen that you usually see first when you start Mutt. It gives an overview over your emails in the currently opened mailbox."

The problem is: there are no mails to see, because there is no mailbox of mine open and I don't know how to do this.

It is the third time already that I try to learn mutt but having no mails to start with, not knowing what is meant by a 'mailbox' and how to administrate it, even when reading in the newbie manual not getting to a point.

I usually use thunderbird and thus already have some experience with e-mail, but what I got from trying to learn mutt is just depressing for me.

Ok, it sounds like mutt is presenting the local default UNIX mailbox on your system.

If you are using Thunderbird then it is likely that either your mailbox is an IMAP service hosted at your ISP or at some place like Google Mail.

Is this the case?

Without some configuration, mutt looks in your local machine's mail system. It is likely that nothing is using that if it is a personal machine such as a laptop, so you have no local mail.

Instead, you'll need to configure mutt to access your ISP-hosted mail server, if that is what you are using.

Could you please elaborate on your Thunderbird setup (obviously omitting account passwords, and if you like using placeholder names like "my-login-name" instead of you actual mail login name)?

It seems likely that we need to guide you through a basic setup to use the same mail arrangements as your Thunderbird.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au> (formerly c...@zip.com.au)

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