On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 22:20:00 +0100, Wim wrote:
> On Wednesday, 29 November at 15:09, Daan van Rossum wrote:
> > Do any of you mutt users have experience with merged vs. split
> > mailboxes and have some good arguments for one or the other setup?
> I starting using one box for received and sent emails 3 years ago and
> have never looked back. If threads are enabled, it is easy to follow
> conversations. On my setup I've just got two mail directories,
> an inbox and an archive. Just set both 'spoolfile' and 'record' to point
> to your inbox. Try it out for a while. If you're unhappy change it back.

Like Wim, I have had my Mutt 'record' pointing to my inbox for years --
and really the only disadvantage I have found is that I now get pretty
frustrated when I have to use some other mail system which doesn't let
me do that....

In addition to Wim's point about threading of the full conversation, I
find it very handy to have all the messages I'm currently dealing with
in one mailbox rather than having decide how I want to juggle back and
fourth between two separate ones.


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