On Sat, Jun 10, 2017 at 04:42:42AM +0800, Yubin Ruan wrote:
> Hi mutt users,
> Hmm...do any of you have any solution for sending emails in background
> without hanging up your mutt? I am getting annoyed by the delay coming with
> mutt's default smtp. I would like to have a sendmail script that would queue
> up my all my emails from mutt and send it at proper time and if it fails, it
> will notify me with a failure status or failure messages. 
> Currently I have a msmtp set up, with its .msmtprc like this:
>     account default 
>     host smtp.gmail.com
>     from <mysendaddresshere>
>     auth on
>     port 587
>     user <myaccounthere>
>     password <mypasswordhere>
>     protocol smtp
>     logfile ~/.msmtp.log
>     tls on
>     tls_starttls on
>     tls_nocertcheck
> and my .muttrc like this:
>     set sendmail="/usr/bin/msmtp"
>     # don't wait for msmtp to complete. Let it run at background
>     set sendmail_wait=-1
> But there some problems with this solution:
>     1. the "sendmail_wait=-1" doesn't seems work?
>     2. when I cutt off my network connection, mutt cannot sendmail anymore.
>     It just hang up there infinitely and I have to Ctrl-C... 
I use postfix which, while it is a full-blown SMTP server, isn't
difficult to configure (well I managed it!).  Postfix will queue
outgoing mail so its sendmail responds instantly and I never see any
delays from mutt.

Chris Green

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