On 2017-05-14 09:33, Cameron Simpson wrote: > The other common solution for IMAP mail accounts is offlineimap
After trying: direct IMAP access with mutt, offlineimap, maildirsync and even git (no kidding!), I settled on unison for this purpose. It works great for me. Of course unlike the IMAP aware solutions it assumes maildir is the underlying store, and not mbox (or a set of mboxes). The one slight disadvantage of unison (in my situation) is that it is quite sensitive to version harmony; you really must have not only the same major version of unison on both sides, but also compiled with the same major version of Ocaml. Which means you mostly won't be able to use binary packages if operating systems differ. -- Please *no* private Cc: on mailing lists and newsgroups Personal signed mail: please _encrypt_ and sign Don't clear-text sign: http://primate.net/~itz/blog/the-problem-with-gpg-signatures.html