On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 10:42:17PM +1000, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> On 25.04.17 11:16, Chris Green wrote:
> > Essentially anything without an @ should be an alias, I never actually
> > send mail to local (same system) destinations.
> While I do send mail to myself several times per week, as paperless
> Post-It notes, that would involve even less typing with a "me" alias.
> As I have edit_headers set, and always enter destinations in the editor,
> there is no possibility of tab-completion in mutt, for semi-manual
> checking. (Though I could scrape the aliases from .muttrc with a few
> lines of awk, to generate a private dictionary for vim, and then use
> spellchecking to flag bung aliases. Thus a quick hack is to hit zg on
> any good alias which fails spellchecking, to add it to the private OK
> spell-list.)
> Anyway, +1 for accepting the need for aliases for local destinations, as
> the price for fumble checking in mutt.
Yes, if I did use any local destinations there would only be two or
three so adding aliases for them wouldn't be very onerous.

Chris Green

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