On Wed, 24 Aug, 2016, 14:09:13 +0200, bastian-muttu...@t6l.de wrote:
> On 24Aug16 20:38 +1000, c...@zip.com.au wrote:
> > On 23Aug2016 19:47, Jethro Tull <heavyt...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > > > On 16Aug2016 19:58, Jethro Tull <heavyt...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > > > >I'm using vim as editor in mutt. I would like to find a way to dump the
> > > > >content of another email or part to a new message while being
> > > > >composed. Of
> > > > >course without running a new instance of mutt.
> > > >
> > > > Why not by running a new instance of mutt?
> > > >
> > > > Without that, you need some kind of tool that _vim_ can invoke to access
> > > > message content. How are you intending to designate that message from
> > > > inside
> > > > vim? [...]
> Some more thoughts on this:
> - If you figure out the filename of the email, from which you want to
> get some lines, then it could be a problem if that file has
> content-transfer-encoding = base64 or quopri and not 7bit. Similar
> issue might be content-type= text/html. And not to forget encrypted
> Mail.
anyway, basically hunting files within the maildir repo for such a purpose is
not a good idea at all. That's the MUA that has to provide such a facility.
> So, I suggest to use mutt to read/edit email in vim, because mutt
> does some stuff to present the mail in a readable way.
> - Another solution to gather lines from other mails might be to use
> mutt and vim's registers.
> Steps would be:
> 1. Postpone your mail (as described earlier)
> 2. Use mutt to find your source mails. In addition, mutt does all
> the content type/encoding handling when viewing/replying them.
> 3. Use named registers from vim and yank the precious content into
> them.
This is actually the feature I needed. Postponing is something I knew, but I was
wondering how to copy successively parts from several emails without having to
paste in between. Without this feature even multiple instances of mutt would
have been tedious.
> 4. Repeat step 3 as much as needed, either with different ragisters
> or append to one register.
> 3. Open the postponed mail again and paste our registers. Tadaa ..
> (For that to work, verify that registers are saved after exiting
> vim. see :help viminfo.)
> Cheers,
> --
> Bastian